rails new new_project_name -T
# to include 'gems' to be installed for your app
modify the Gemfile
bundle update
bundle install
bundle install --without production
# create a resource, called "User" with attributes "name" and "email" of type string
This will create all the MVC parts.
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
# The user Model is defined in this file.
# This is similar to a C++ class definition (it even inherits from something, ActiveRecord::Base)
# You can further tailor your model by adding validation constraints or
# or create relationships between this model and others
# The user Controller is defined in this file.
# This looks like a list of event handlers that can affect your users model or view.
# The user View is defined in this file.
# This gives info on how to display the page.
# If you don't generate with a scaffold, this creates just a model, called "Model_name" with attribute1 and attribute2 of type string without the controller or view.
rails generate model Model_name attribute1:string attribute2:string
# If you don't generate with a scaffold, this creates just a controller, called "controller_name" that will control page "page_name"
rails generate controller controller_name page_name
# update the database structure after generate controller or generate user ...
bundle exec rake db:migrate
# undo a database update (the previous command)
bundle exec rake db:rollback
# get more help for database tasks
bundle exec rake -T db
# turn on the rails server
rails s
or (rails server)
# start interactive rails environment
rails console
# location of resource pages [after generating the user resource and adding it to our database]
/users -> list of users
/users/1 -> list of user with id == 1
/users/new -> place to make new users
/users/1/edit -> place to edit user with id == 1
# create an integration test
rails generate integration_test test_name
- creates a test file under test_name_spec.rb
# run test files (that are in directory spec/)
bundle exec rspec spec/
# create rspec tests
# this creates files like spec/spec_helper.rb
rails generate rspec:install
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