I began by trying to upgrade one of my existing applications. Since I did not touch any of the core components provided by Mean, I hoped the upgrade would be easy.
Using git, I pulled in the latest code. I had to do some manual merging, but it looked pretty straightforward, so I still felt optimistic. I then used npm install to install everything. Then I ran grunt to start the server. No errors were given, so things were looking good.
However, when I try to open the web app on my local host, it stalls and I don't see anything happening. I spent a millisecond trying to debug what the problem was, but I realized I'd never make any progress. There were too many diffs due to the upgrade. And I wasn't going to spend time trying to figure things out.
Instead, I tried to install a fresh new mean app. I used the basic commands:
sudo npm install -g meanio
sudo npm install -g meanio
mean init Mean.init.demo
npm install
I got a slew of errors, and I gave up.
It's probably something I did. It almost always is.
Maybe I should work harder to debug this, but I thought the framework was supposed to make my life easier.
I'll try again next week. Onto something else.
Following the debugging steps in http://enginx.com/blog/mean-io-v0-4-released-stay-synced/ , I was able to get my app using Mean 0.4.0 to work.
Following the debugging steps in http://enginx.com/blog/mean-io-v0-4-released-stay-synced/ , I was able to get my app using Mean 0.4.0 to work.