Sunday, June 15, 2014

Android Studio - review after a few months

I've been using Android Studio for a few months now, and I've been enjoying the experience. Here are a few things that I have liked about this IDE.

I love Vim, and IdeaVim brings Vim to Android Studio as a plugin. I'm not sure how long I can tolerate using any IDE if it doesn't have Vim support. This isn't an indictment on any IDE that doesn't support Vim, instead, it's more of an handicap of mine.

A terminal is available as one of the windows in the IDE. I use it for doing quick unix commands like grep and git log. Screen real estate is always scarce, and having it inside the IDE is just a little bit tidier for me.

Viewing a layout in "Design" mode is great. You can drag and drop from a selection of Android widgets, which automatically updates the the layout xml. Conversely, if you update the xml layout file, you can see the changes in the layout in the design editor. This allows you to quickly browse through different widgets without having to manually type in names, and to see changes in real time.

Android studio allows you to create multiple run configurations. For any project, I create one configuration for running the app and one configuration for testing the app. I suppose it is just philosophical, but I like a single project to hold all of the stuff needed for running and testing.

One downside of moving from Eclipse to Android Studio is that it seems like an irreversible change. Maybe if you are an expert in migrating files, you can easily jump back and forth between them, but it seems like a one-way street to me.

After 6 months of usage, I have like using Android Studio. We'll see how I feel about it over some more time ...

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Android Studio - Preview of Future

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