Monday, May 12, 2014


As a programmer, I only spend some of my time actually typing code. This weekend, I spent time on one of the more painful parts of programming, configuring. 

I wanted to try switching from Eclipse to Android Studio. I thought, or at least hoped, switching over might be a seamless process. There are deceptively simple buttons in each program for Exporting and Importing projects. So, I pressed those buttons, and voila, my project was viewable in Andriod Studio. Unfortunately, but not quite unexpectedly, the project wouldn't build. 

Build dependencies weren't correct. I was missing some. After adding them, I then created "Multi dex" duplicates error. While resolving the dependencies issue, I must have pulled in some updated and incompatible libraries. Incompatible libraries meant I had to update some code.
Eventually, I was able to run my projects in Android Studio, so Mission Accomplished. 

Configuring a system helps expose leaky abstractions. As you program, it is easy to just include/import anything just to make things work. You eventually forget what code you are pulling into your package. By creating explicit dependencies with gradle, I became a bit more aware of what is going on under the covers. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Falling behind

It's been a while since I posted.
So what has this programmer been doing?

I went hiking and camping along the Inka Trail.
I got busy with researching a home improvement project. (It looks like I will be doing home renovations in the near future.)
I spent more time on my work projects.
The last thing that has drained the remainder of my time is the 2048 game, which I have beaten and hopefully gotten out of my system.

So blogging, writing hobby code, and studying programming have all fallen by the wayside.
I'd like to say that I'll start picking it up again, but I'd rather not promise something that I'm not sure of. As they say, time will tell.