Thursday, February 2, 2012

A ruby on rails tutorial

I have been following this, and it's pretty good.

After the first chapter, you will have created a simple application, saved it to github, and published it on heroku.

After the second chapter, you will use 'scaffold' to quickly create a rails application, create models that are backed by databases, and add some logic to define the relationship between the models.  This is done with git version control and publishing onto heroku.

After the third chapter, you will create a set of pages written in html using ruby.
You will build this page with test-driven development and will again check in the code to git hub and you publish onto heroku.

After the fourth chapter, you will continue development of the application made in the third chapter. You will add usage of css style sheets, with minimal changes to the application.  The majority of the chapter is spent explaining how objects are used in ruby and rails.

After the fifth chapter, you will have made a web page that has internal links to navigate within your application. At this point, you have a basic framework to build a basic web page.  At the same time, you will have created a page that may contain lots of elements and features that you do not fully understand how to use.

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