Wednesday, February 12, 2014


One of my favorite things about computer programming is debugging. For what it's worth, I also like vacuuming my apartment.

To be clear, debugging can be painful, annoying and stressful. But when you make a breakthrough and have that Aha moment, debugging a problem is very gratifying. I used to think of myself as a scientist. Maybe I was a bad one, but debugging programs has given me a lot more "Eureka! Oh, I see" moments than I ever had during my years as a scientist.

Another cool thing about debugging is the clear end-point. You start with a broken program or feature, and then you are done when the bug is fixed. I like ending the day certain that I did something worthwhile. I think this is one of the reasons why test-driven development is popular. You create the bug first, and then develop something that squashes those bugs.

When you debug, you learn. When I'm writing new code, I'm mostly trying to organize my own thoughts in a way that agrees with the compiler. When I'm debugging my code, I have to think hard about something I probably didn't understand before. If I'm debugging someone else's code (or some old code of my own), I have to understand what someone else was thinking.

For some people, they only want to work on building something from the ground up that is completely new. I like improving something now and knowing that I can keep on improving it later.

Bugs increase your technical debt.
Embrace removing all bugs from your code so that you can be debt free.

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