Sunday, May 3, 2015

Keeping Busy

In an effort to improve myself, I have been trying to write code every day.

After 41 days in a row of github checkins, I forgot to check in something yesterday. The chain is broken, and thus my current streak is back at 0. Sure, it was a modest streak. Some people have done much better. But it was the longest one I ever had.

During this past streak, there were lean days. On those days, I ran out of time and just did something small to keep the streak alive. Yet, there were many days where I did something of substance.

I ended up improving from a barely functioning prototype to a semi-usable app. It's still not really production worthy, but I use it fairly often and it's making my life easier.

Today, I'll start the next streak. Let's see how long it lasts.

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