Friday, October 23, 2015

Free Time

The weekend is approaching, and fortunately, I don't have any major obligations. So, I've started to think about what I'd like to do.

Outside of coding, I'd like to go for a run on one day and go to the gym on the other day. I also have to put together a desk, and do some other household chores. I'm looking forward to doing all of these, because it'll make me feel great when they're all done.

But that still leaves me a good deal of time to do some coding.

This week I have been completely humbled. I saw some demos of other people's projects at work, and they were doing some amazing things. I also was browsing some electron based projects, and these were mind-blowingly cool as well. Seeing these projects initially brought me down. What's the point in starting a project that won't ever be as good as the ones that other people are doing? I won't ever create something that someone else hasn't already done better than me.

But, there's no point in wallowing in that sort of pity party for long. I think it's better to use those as inspiration to keep working.

I think the key is to not think too much. If I think too much, I get some type of paralysis, and I never get started on building something. This weekend, I'll try to do a mini sprint or mini solo hackathon where I force myself to build something. When it's all said and done, it may be throw-away code or it might be a building block to something bigger or it may be the inspiration for the next project. In the end, I know I will create something, which is better than just thinking about it.

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