Saturday, February 13, 2016


Some good things, some not so good things about me:


Based on feedback from managers and my interactions with colleagues, I think I have been doing good work. Taking a step back, I feel like I have been living scared. I haven't gone on any interviews since I got my job years ago. I should be more active, and less scared of rejection.


I am very pleased with my daily kettlebell training. I feel more fit, but I'm not sure how much. I need to keep better track of what I am doing (ie. how many 1 arm swings/push ups/pull ups/ etc ... per day), so that I can know if I am making progress.

Mental Health

I have pretty much given up meditation. It's boring. I have substituted it with early morning stretching. I am considering waking up about 30 minutes earlier so that I am less rushed in the morning, which may give me more time to meditate.

My dog

I have been trying to find the optimal walking schedule for my dog so that she never has to go in the house. We have cut down her need to use the wee-wee pad from every day and every night to almost never using it at all.


I have been writing in my private daily journal consistently, but the quality of my writing still feels pretty poor. I'm not sure how I can improve or track my progress.


I have been keeping up with my coursera course. I am on track to finish the course. This'll be the first one I finished.


Family life has been good. I think I have been better at listening to my wife. I have been communicating more with my brother. My mom is coming back with my brother soon.


I have some good and bad weeks with respect to cooking and eating. For 90% of my life, I haven't been much of a cook. Recently, I've started making chicken soup from scratch and kim chi jigae (the chicken soup for koreans). I'm eating more salads for lunch. So things are improving.


I have made little progress. I'm still pretty diligent in doing Anki flash cards. I add four new sentences per day. And, I have been watching a few Korean movies and shows on Netflix. I signed up for an iTalki account so that I can practice speaking. I think this would be the best way to improve, but I haven't committed to doing any sessions.

Other projects

I have pretty much stopped working on any other outside projects. I have used all of my time working on other things like coursera, journaling, etc ..., which I mentioned above.

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