Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thoughts on the 2013 NBA Season and Finals

The team I was rooting for, the Spurs, lost to the team almost everyone was rooting against, the Heat, in a 7 game series.  I imagine that history will glorify the Heat and will more or less forget this year's Spurs.

I set my DVR to record the games.  Since the games were on late, I expected to watch the start of games and then finish the rest the next day.  However, I ended up watching most of it live.  I guess I was really into this series.

During the breaks in action, I checked twitter to read live instant updates.  I think twitter could replace or at least supplement sports announcing.  I'd like to tell the television who I'd like to follow and then their tweets would appear on the screen.  I'd also like to chat (maybe through twitter) with friends while the game is going on.  This would all appear on the television screen so that I don't have to constantly check my laptop or phone.

As much as I like Jeff Van Gundy, there are other broadcasters that I don't like as much.  If I don't like a broadcaster, it would be great if I can switch to another.  For big games, there are usually at least two sets of announcers (the local and the national).  For huge games, there are international broadcasts as well.  I'm sure some people would prefer to watch the game with the broadcast in a non-English language.

I have devoted way too much time to following basketball this season.  Zach Lowe, you have raised the bar for basketball analysis, hopefully other writers keep up.  I am now always commenting on the angle in which the Spurs bigs set picks (something that only diehards could get excited about).  48MinutesOfHell, your writing is always thoughtful and exceptional.  Well done.  The basketball Jones, you guys always crack me up.  It's gotten to the point where I feel like I understand some of your private jokes.

Now that the season is over, I'm happy to get back the time used watching, reading and listening about basketball, but it was fun while it lasted.

(Actually, after I post this, I'm going to listen to the final TBJ podcast, which I haven't had a chance to listen to yet).

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