Sunday, March 22, 2015

Stop Poking Me

I've been working on a home renovation project, which has been hard. It is tiring for a lot of reasons, most of which I won't go into. The one thing I'll mention is that I have to deal with a lot more email and texts throughout the day than I am used to. This communication is necessary, so I have no choice, but to deal with it.

As I deal with this new influx of communication, I realized I am getting a lot of other unsolicted email. This unsolicted email causes a lot of false alarms as I look for email that I actually care about.

So, over the weekend, I did some things to reduce the noise and save myself some time.

Unsubscribe from as many emails as possible

I went through my email trash, and found as many auto-emailers that I could find. For each, I unsubscribed. It usually required just a click or two for each auto-emailer: not too bad.

Turn Facebook notifications off

I turned off all notifications from Facebook. I tried to just reduce it last week, but I was still getting 'pokes' and other completely irrelevant notifications. So I turned it all off. I don't want to be a complete insensitive recluse, so I replaced it with a new IFTTT rule that sends me an email once a week saying "Check your facebook". I figure checking facebook at most once a week will be more than enough.

Changed to firefox

Finally, I've noticed that the Chrome browser on my Android phone and my mac computer has been very slow. I haven't measure it, so this is completely subjective and ancedotal. Over the last weekend, I have been using Firefox on all of my devices, and it definitely 'feels' faster. I'm switching for now, and hoping that it continues to work better.

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