Monday, November 26, 2012

I got a custom domain name

So, after I bought my custom domain name, I was able to retire my blogspot address.  I'm still not sure if the expense of paying for a custom domain name was worth it. Although the cost is pretty small, so I think there isn't much to lose.

On my home computer, I tried searching for 'refactoring project' and this site was the fifth item listed.  Of course, the phrase 'refactoring project' is not exactly a well known catchphrase, so this might be an honor that no one else is really shooting for.  Nevertheless, it's encouraging to know that my domain name is unique enough that you can actually find it without being lost in a forest of other similarly named sites.

However, I realized that searching on Google is not a deterministic event.  Google search results are different depending on who is searching.  So, when I reported above that my blog was the 5th result when searching for 'refactoring project', that was true.  However, when I searched again on another public computer, my site was not even on the first page (or second or third ... ).  So it seems that I have a lot to work towards. 

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